Woman sues hospital, alleging negligence during child's delivery

Due to medical negligence, Kamryn Jenkins suffers from many injuries such as Erb’s Palsy, severe and permanent physical, developmental, neurological, cognitive, and emotional injuries. The hospital staff failed to intervene in time during the delivery.

Her mother states, “Failure to implement timely and appropriate interventions, and/or expedite delivery would expose plaintiff Kamryn to serious and obvious risks, including, but not limited to permanent and severe disability, brain damage, or even death.”

A nearly 20 year old Nevada law denies us our constitutional right by taking away our ability to settle issues in court free from government mandates when they are unfairly harmed. We must repeal the cap and protect our right to seek justice. Protect Nevadans put out of work, permanently disabled, and the families of those who were killed through careless acts and wrongdoing.

Kate Monson