We support the rights of Nevada citizen juries to decide the outcomes of court cases and we oppose any special-interest that wants to tip the scales of justice by limiting which attorney an injured Nevadan can choose to advocate for them.

Corporate lobbyists for special interests and California billionaires are pushing a ballot initiative to experiment with Nevada public policy as a way to disadvantage working Nevadans who go to court to recover damages when injured by a corporate wrongdoer.

Nevada citizen juries are the people who should define justice, not California billionaires or special interest lobbyists.

Our best means to preventing this measure from becoming law is to decline to sign the petition for it that would force it onto Nevadans should define justice, not corporate lobbyists for special interests. Trust Nevada citizen juries with the outcomes of court cases including death or life-altering injury, not politically imposed limits on justice, like what that ballot initiative would impose. Don’t sign away your rights.

If you share these values, take action now: